Swenke PTO General Meetings


2022-2023 School year


Spring General Meeting | 2022-2023 School Year - Completed (slideshow is available below)



This is the second of two general meetings that the Swenke PTO hosts each school year. The Spring General Meeting is for voting on items for the 2023-2024 school year and reviewing the PTO 2022-2023 budget recap. Information discussed at the meeting will be added below about a week after the meeting concludes for you to reference and review.  Voting for the Student/Parent Event will start May 4th at 12pm and will end on May 5th at 12pm. Please check the General Meeting Subpage, “STUDENT/PARENT EVENT 23-24” for more info. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to communications@swenkepto.org


You are welcome to RSVP here (this is not mandatory to attend).


Please see meeting notes below from the 2023 Spring General PTO Meeting:



Fall General Meeting | 2022-2023 School Year



This is one of two general meetings that the Swenke PTO hosts each school year to handle PTO votes. The Fall general meeting is for voting on the annual PTO budget and going over other items for the 2022-2023 school year. Information discussed at the meeting will be added below about a week after the meeting concludes for you to reference and review.  


Please RSVP here by September 23rd if you are able to attend the meeting.


If you are unable to attend and have questions for the PTO, please use the Fall General Meeting Question Form to submit your questions prior to the meeting.  All questions need to be submitted by September 23rd.


2022-2023 Fall General Meeting Presentation:



You can also access the presentation here.  


You can view the Facebook Live Video here.  


If you have any questions, please contact: communications@swenkepto.org


2021-2022 school year

This is one of two general meetings that the Swenke PTO hosts each school year to handle PTO votes. The Fall general meeting is for voting on the annual PTO budget. The links discussed in the meeting are listed below for your convenience.

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