5th Grade Donations
Honoring the best years of Swenke Elementary: The 5th Grade Celebration is THE event that commemorates the many memorable years students have spent at Swenke Elementary. This event is eagerly anticipated by all 5th graders, and it's important to us that they have a great time and cherish the memories for many years to come. This event is only possible with the support from our Swenke community. If you would like to help give to the 5th Grade Celebration this year, please click here to donate. Donations also go towards the memory book, swag bags and other miscellaneous items throughout the year. Thank you for your continued support! Go Swenke Snow Leopards!
Please email 5thgradecelebration@swenkepto.org with any questions.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 21
- Friday, February 28
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27